Play Location/Method: North Brisbane Queensland Australia (my favorite console is a table and chairs)
Game/System: Dark Heresy style with Ascension, Rogue Trader and Deathwatch rules
I'm the GM in this campaign
Time/Frequency: Alternate Sundays 1400 to 2100hrs ish
Genre: Science-Fantasy, 40k with Inquisition and Rogue Trader Houses
Current needs: Additional player or two
Accept Drop-In Players? Yes with notice
Accept Spectators? contact first, not really the idea but maybe try before you buy
Short description of the setting/campaign:
PCs are Throne agents and currently center or radical. They are trading for wealth and hunting heretics in Koronos Expanse, Badab and the Imperium in general. The Scale is large- 25000 crew ships, 400 man assassins's guilds, landing barges, 4 month journeys for trade. The rules are light.
The fantastic, warped and psionic are common if hidden from the common man. Xenos pirates, factions of the Inquisition, factions of the Adeptus Mechanicus and other houses are the setting's "enemies".

Come get some! I mean, ..eerr for the Emperor!