I'm putting these here for lack of somewhere else..
Armies that I have components of that I would like to finish some time:
Terminator Strikeforce
Rules: Dark Angles. Deathwing, terminators only
Now the rules for this are "deathwing using belial" but this is fairly boring- especially if you are going to paint 30-33 terminators.. So it is an accumulated strike force representing terminators from multiple chapters. The improvement in cyclone launchers, the abuse of thunder bubble, a chaplain, multiple attacks and feel-no-pain (for one unit), maybe a librarian if using apocalypse.
It's probably a bit painful for some armies, the mixed terminators are only so good on their own. A good player will own this but it will be fun anyway.
Gunline Great War
Rules: Imperial Guard. Infantry Platoons, Conscripts, Heavy artillery on wheels and drawn by horses, light horse (rough riders). Would require consent due to forgeworld rules
Fielded in it's true form- as a heavy immobile artillery line supporting hordes of infantry with some small artillery (field guns) and the occasional heavy machine gun or sniper rifle it's probably a recipe for disaster. But it'll look cool. and if you win it will because you brought murderously heavy guns down on the enemy. Hoo-rar. Uses standard imperial guard army with forgeworld immobile guns if folks allow them. Steel legion models, with a little work pretending to be WW1 germans. Some forgeworld stuff to be bought.
The lack of ability to field this in it's true form is what has held me back from buying gun carriages etc. The gas-masks on everything including the horses is what spurs me on!
Harlequins, dance without end
Rules: 3 troupes of harlquins then I'm stuck. Dark eldar have the raiders, eldar have the other models which would look good
Dark eldar list heavy with Harlequins? Still haven't worked out a way that is thematic, interesting and has the faintest chance of being successful.
What I'd like is harlequins on raiders, wraithguard, jetbikes and some pirates or patsies for cover. Maybe the eldar list is closer, but a raider would look way cooler than a wave serpent with harlequins all over it and done up with bunting etc. I'm not 100% sure it would even work to put Harlequis in raiders because the amount of incoming fire would be huge and the Shadow Seer abilities provide some resistance to that. So I guess some anti-tank provided by raiders who will soak up fire. The problem is I don't see anything left at the back of the field to hold ground.
More head scratching to follow.
Ultra Heavy Mechanised Infantry
Rules: Chaos Space Marines or Space Wolves or Black templars...
This is a Landraider heavy list- each troop choice is a troupe- a mechanised unit in a landraider. Might work better using spacewolves instead of Chaos, or even black templars, allowing heavy armour and power of the machine spirit to bolster the effectiveness of 4+ landraiders, or I could just go with the super cheap chaos ones. Obviously orks will hate this list and lance and melta heavy lists will eat it for breakfast. Even nastier thought- space wolves with land raider achilles for the wolfguard. I think of these guys as renegades and paint them in a modern military green with iron warriors insignia. Sort of like red corsairs from an iron warriors base instead of an astral claws base.
Rules: Blood Angels- must be able to deep strike
I like these guys- fleet based marine chapter. But I might have to paint a second fleet based chapter- the carcharadon astra. Anyways the lamenters are blood angel related but without much "death company". My take on fleet based means limiting myself to units that can deep strike with some minor footbased exceptions So:
Chaplin boss with jumpack
Sternguard (as deathwatch)
Sanguinary priests (reputed to have a lot of them)
Tactical squad with drop pod
Assault squad- love the 1st edition jumpack marine art
Land speeders
Land raider
Devastator with drop pod
Considering my hankering to try Carcharadons I might only get one of each of these units done although i already have 2 units of tacticals spray-painted.
Hive fleet Giger
Rules: Tyranids
The idea here is as much "acid for blood" "implant attack" and "crazy psychology impacting stealth" as possible. ie, Aliens. (mostly without shooting)
I have had fun with genestealers including their brood lords before. I guess the real question is- do I want to do away with rippers? Who would have thought that 6 troop choices was the issue..!
the build here would be something like
HQ: Tervigon, Parasite of Mortrex
Elite: Deathleaper, lictors
Troops: Rippers, Termagants, genestealers
Undecided- Zoanthropes and "Old One Eye". The termagaunts aren't perfect having missile weapons and all, but the Alien Queen egg-sac dropping Tervigon conversion is just to good to pass up
I like the look of the Zoanthropes- very giger, but they don't fit the feel. Hmm. Maybe with the right powers. Maybe Old One eye in Heavy to give a bit more stiffness to the synapse issues and paint him up as the hybrid in alien 4.
The Captain's Compliment
Rules: Witch-hunters
This is basically an assembly of the minis from the Rogue Trader//Dark Heresy game I GM.
There is a core around the Inquisitor - so warriors, mystics and such, a death cult assassin and buddies, techpriests, Adeptus Arbites Squad and naval crew of various levels of proficiency. Various landers and shuttles. Maybe with spacemarine support if they are lucky but certainly with orbital bombardments.
World Eater Legion
Rules: Chaos Space Marine or Blood angels
The truth is that you can field World Eaters, as described in slaves to darkness, almost exactly,. using the Chaos Space Marine codex. It would be crap but you can do it. It would be way too expensive for what it does. The only thing you couldn't do would be give your company of the chosen jump-packs. (These are not "chosen" as described in C:SM rather assault marines with the mark of khorne) Beserkers with jump packs and blind grenades. Nasty.
You also get really crappy generic demons instead of khorne ones. Hmm. Make a custom codex- one of those ones that gamesworkshop are surprised we don't make more of... yep excellent idea, except no-one could be bothered playing you because it's not practice for tournaments.